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We Understand:

You’re interested in ways to get better, faster.

You would prefer managing your condition without taking drugs or resorting to invasive methods like injections or surgery.

Maybe you’ve tried other approaches and not gained the results you were looking for. is a Physiotherapy and Laser treatment clinic, specialising in the delivery of treatment for a wide range of health conditions, using high powered lasers. Treatments are guided by trained and experienced Physiotherapists with extensive backgrounds in manual therapy and exercise prescription, so this is not a single-treatment clinic. We harness the powerful enhanced healing effects of Class 4 lasers to reduce pain and swelling, and speed healing, and we back this up with education on how you can better manage your condition yourself, so you remain in control.

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Treatments and applications, head to toe

The combination of physiotherapy and laser treatment is powerful, evidence-based and has been used successfully to treat:

Laser therapy on person's elbow


The lasers we use at are not the same as are used by surgeons and some podiatrists: they may use laser to cut or cauterise tissue.  Our lasers do not cut or burn – they are specifically designed to treat musculoskeletal and neurological conditions and are safe and painless.

While the field of laser study is relatively young, and there’s much to learn, we aim to stay up to date with research and provide you with the best understood applications, based on the research.

For now, let us assess you and decide if and how laser treatment can help you.