Albert Einstein describes theory of stimulated emission
Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow, working in the area of spectroscopy, produced working “maser” (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
patents sought and granted, working lasers produced
first lasers used by opthamologists
semi-conductor laser invented
powerful CO2 laser invented (for cutting, drilling and welding)
Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to Charles Townes
dye laser invented
lasers used on CDs and CD-ROMs
mass production expands laser use – laser diodes and fibre optics allows fast data transmission and brings the internet closer
Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to Arthur Schawlow
laser diodes become smaller than the wavelengths they emit
– nanolasers used in medicine, data processing and optical signal transmission
– Thermotherapy on varicose veins, detached retinas
– Laser surgery
– Tattoo removal
– Dermatological applications
– Dental applications
– Musculoskeletal treatments
– Guidance systems for digging tunnels and defence applications
– Checkout scanners
– Laser pointers
– Accurate distance measures
– Mass spectrometry
a field largely developed by engineers (rapidly and effectively, including in medical applications) has been scrutinised by medical researchers seeking ideal dosages and treatment protocols.
The field of laser study is relatively young and there is still much to learn. We aim to stay up to date with research and provide you with the best understood applications, based on the research.
For now, let us assess you and decide if and how laser treatment can help you.